Water Mites
Scientific name for group: Hydracarina or Hydrachnida
(Phylum Arthropoda, Class Arachnida)

Instructions: For a larger view of the specimens below, click on an image. The enlarged image will appear on your screen in a new window. Close this new window when you are through viewing it. See note below regarding identification of macros. Further information on the identification and ecology of aquatic macroinvertebrates can be found from the materials mentioned on the Macro Resources Page.

Water Mites (Order Acariformes)
Tolerance: somewhat sensitive to somewhat tolerant

1 mm
East Fork Lewis River
Lewisville Park


private pond
Clark County, WA
Spring 2004


private pond
Clark County, WA
Spring 2004

water mite
(1 mm)
East Fork Lewis River
upper watershed
Fall 2005

water mite
(1 mm)
East Fork Lewis River
upper watershed
Fall 2005

1 mm
East Fork Lewis River
Lewisville Park
Fall 2004

water mite
(1.5 mm)
East Fork Lewis River
upper watershed
Fall 2005
(40X magnification)
unknown location

photo: P. Rice & CAM 7/8

Unknown Aquatic Arachnid
unknown location



Note from author: Considerable effort has been made to be as accurate as possible in the identification of the organisms. While I am fairly confident of the ID (at least for the major taxon levels), I cannot guarantee complete accuracy. In particular, you will notice that some organisms are labeled with a (*). This indicates a probable classification based on general traits (shape, size and color) of the organism and location from which it was found. I do not possess the level of expertise nor did I conduct the kind of detailed inspection to provide a conclusive ID -- consider these efforts at classification as my "best guess" based on available information and, in some instance, outside assistance. (If you notice any errors or omissions, please contact me at the email address provided at the bottom of this page.)

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modified: 11/4/06