East Fork of the Lewis River - The River Mile

Cory Samia (WREC), Janice Elvidge (NPS/LARO), Michael Clapp (CAM Academy)

The River Mile

Our class is part of The River Mile. This is a National Parks Service program providing training and networking for teachers & schools within the Columbia River watershed. The goal is to actively involve students in outdoor field investigations and increase their awareness of environmental issues along the Columbia River and its tributaries. The River Mile Expansion Pilot Workshop was held July 2012 in Grand Coulee, WA. Some activities from the workshop are documented on the nwnature.net | The River Mile website.


CAM students collecting macros at Lewisville Park

Mike with salmon
student drawing of CAM Academy 7th-8th grade science teacher and nwnature.net creator, Michael Clapp


Water Quality Monitoring Network

Our class participates in the City of Vancouver's Water Resources Education Center - Watershed Monitoring Network. Our water quality monitoring field trips occur in October, November, and April. Student representatives for our class attend the annual Watershed Congress, held each Spring at the Washington State University-Vancouver campus.

Water Quality & Macroinvertebrates Study :

Water Quality/Macroinvertebrate Project:

  • WQ & Macros Project -- resources for student project, includes evaluation form, student data, and selected resource (.html)

East Fork Lewis River Maps


Heisson Bridge over EFL

Lucia Falls


East Fork of the Lewis River (EFL)



Columbia River crossing at Vantage, WA

The Columbia River

This important watershed includes parts of six US states and one Canadian province. It is a crucial natural resource used for hydroelectricity, irrigation, navigation, fishing, and recreation.

History & development:

Salmon & other fisheries:




CAM 7-8 Science | CAM Jr-Sr High | Battle Ground Schools | The River Mile

For information, questions, or comments
email Michael Clapp: clapp.michael@battlegroundps.org
CAM Academy - Battle Ground Public Schools
modified: 5/25/13